
Bengt Rahm

Fine Art
Exhibition at SKF/Konstnärshuset: 15-23 May

Sweden, b. 1972

A Still Life Full of Surprises

“I have seen this place before. How can we do justice to this seemingly innocuous yet enigmatic statement, which exudes a strange intimacy, while simultaneously pushing at the threshold between memory and materiality?”
Trigg, Dylan; Memory of Place.

Places we have once inhabited or passed through continue to linger within us. Attached to us as memories of past times — of people, events and details of the surroundings. If we ever return, we feel the measure of time pass through our bodies, as we absorb both what is familiar and strange, within that environment. For a brief moment we catch sight of how memory forms an undulating core at the heart of our being.

A Still Life Full of Surprises is an investigation of time, place and memory.

A Still Life Full of Surprises

“I have seen this place before. How can we do justice to this seemingly innocuous yet enigmatic statement, which exudes a strange intimacy, while simultaneously pushing at the threshold between memory and materiality?”
Trigg, Dylan; Memory of Place.

Platser där vi en gång har bott eller som vi någon gång har besökt dröjer sig kvar inom oss. Fästa vid oss som minnen av en annan tid – av människor, händelser och detaljer ur omgivningarna. Skulle vi någon gång återvända känner vi, i takt med att vi tar in både det som är bekant och det som är främmande, tiden passera genom våra kroppar. För ett kort ögonblick blir vi varse hur minnen bildar en böljande kärna i vårt allra innersta.

A Still Life Full of Surprises är ett undersökande av tid, plats och minne.

Master / Fine Art