
Matilda Karlsson

Industrial Design
Exhibition at Konstfack: 8-14 May

Sweden, b. 1989

- A Venue at the Office

This project examines the workplace and its significance during a time of restrictions, where the home office has become the norm for more and more people. The lack of colleagues has highlighted the importance of the workplace as a social meeting place. The design proposal is a meeting point with a focus on atmosphere, which looks into more needs than just the practical.

- a venue at the office

Projektet undersöker arbetsplatsen och dess betydelse under en tid av restriktioner, där hemmakontoret blivit vardag för allt fler. Avsaknaden av kollegor har belyst arbetsplatsens vikt som social mötesplats. Designförslaget är en samlingspunkt med fokus på atmosfär, som undersöker fler behov än de praktiska.

Bachelor / Industrial Design